THE BOOK: Solve Every Problem In Your Life
SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE, Secret Ancient Principles Guaranteed to Grant You Wisdom, is a masterpiece that I vehemently searched for, for more than 25 years and when it proved to NOT BE IN EXISTANCE, It wouldn’t let me rest until I painstakingly, mined and extracted the principles it contains, tiny nugget after tiny nugget, from my extreme mentors and my own practical application of their guidance, and then compiled them (in some cases, re-compiled them because they had been crushed to pieces over time and scattered to the four winds), into several of the most simple and yet power systems ever taught, ancient or modern.
That process in and of itself was ONLY possible, through a consistent stream of miracles, brought about by my own dogged persistence and relentless determination to find a way to never have to deal with my old pain of almost losing, virtually everything of significant value in my life… and never return to that horrible, heart-wrenching place of pain and terror and stress and worry and lack and decay… ever again… with a total commitment to find those secrets that guarantee, genuine fulfilment and deep happiness and love and peace of mind that you might think only exists in the minds of dreamers, but that can and will be yours (or anyone’s), by following the same principles that stem from natural laws of cause and effect and create a structural integrity for you life, that is impossible to weaken or break, based in unshakable, indestructible and shatterproof logic and the wisdom that can only be found within the simplicity on the far side of complexity…. (based of my quote that “real success (SPESIFC’S success) can only be found, within the simplicity beyond complexity. Because the simplicity this side of complexity is only naivety, while the simplicity beyond is wisdom.)
Regardless of who you are, where you came from, what disadvantages or limitations you believe you have, what challenges you may be experiencing, or even how successful you believe you are currently, this book can show you how to take your life, not just to the next level, but to never ending higher and higher levels into the future.
Just one word of caution, these principles are already a part of yours and everyone else’s life… Your current results are simply a measurement of how much or little you understand them… If you are convinced, in any form or fashion, that anyone else owes you anything or that you are disempowered because of any one or anything around you, or that you deserve anything that you don’t have, you should avoid this book at all cost!!!!!! But, if you can find, even a small spark of hope for a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones, you will not find a better place to start… or continue from here, to where you most want to be.
That process in and of itself was ONLY possible, through a consistent stream of miracles, brought about by my own dogged persistence and relentless determination to find a way to never have to deal with my old pain of almost losing, virtually everything of significant value in my life… and never return to that horrible, heart-wrenching place of pain and terror and stress and worry and lack and decay… ever again… with a total commitment to find those secrets that guarantee, genuine fulfilment and deep happiness and love and peace of mind that you might think only exists in the minds of dreamers, but that can and will be yours (or anyone’s), by following the same principles that stem from natural laws of cause and effect and create a structural integrity for you life, that is impossible to weaken or break, based in unshakable, indestructible and shatterproof logic and the wisdom that can only be found within the simplicity on the far side of complexity…. (based of my quote that “real success (SPESIFC’S success) can only be found, within the simplicity beyond complexity. Because the simplicity this side of complexity is only naivety, while the simplicity beyond is wisdom.)
Regardless of who you are, where you came from, what disadvantages or limitations you believe you have, what challenges you may be experiencing, or even how successful you believe you are currently, this book can show you how to take your life, not just to the next level, but to never ending higher and higher levels into the future.
Just one word of caution, these principles are already a part of yours and everyone else’s life… Your current results are simply a measurement of how much or little you understand them… If you are convinced, in any form or fashion, that anyone else owes you anything or that you are disempowered because of any one or anything around you, or that you deserve anything that you don’t have, you should avoid this book at all cost!!!!!! But, if you can find, even a small spark of hope for a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones, you will not find a better place to start… or continue from here, to where you most want to be.

Eldon, your book ‘Solve Every Problem in Your Life’ should be required reading for every politician & members of the "talking head" media who, instead of working on innovation solutions, spend all their time & energy blaming the other side!
Roy Richards, Author and Radio Talk Show Host
Roy Richards, Author and Radio Talk Show Host

I have been an avid reader all my life, but nothing has been as thought provoking and inspiring as this book. It has made me think of so many things in a different light. I can honestly recommend this book to anyone who is the least bit interested in solving life's problems. When you start reading it, if you do so with an open mind, you will not want to put it down and after you are finished with it you will want to read it again.
Earl Brown • Retired Firefighter
Earl Brown • Retired Firefighter

Eldon, your book, Solve Every Problem in Your Life is great, and I loved the MAP. You have so many great concepts and have captured so many “Pearls of Wisdom” from over the ages. Nice work!
Dr. Joe Pace • Chairman of The Board, Global Education, Performance Psychologist
Dr. Joe Pace • Chairman of The Board, Global Education, Performance Psychologist

There is some amazing information in this manuscript, and I learned a lot by reading it, even though I have spent the last decade of my life studying this very subject intensely. I frequently had to set the book aside and just think about the things I had read in order to enjoy the many inspirations and revelations that came to me as a result of the words on the page. While self-help books have become more popular, this manuscript is unique...Reading it can be life changing for those who prefer action to dreaming.
Cassandra Legge • Professional Writer and Editor
Cassandra Legge • Professional Writer and Editor

Early in 2016, I got a call from Eldon Grant, whom I'd met the previous year. He'd written a book called Solve Every Problem in Your Life, and he hired me to edit it. This project became one of the highlights of my professional life. Like me, you've probably heard of hundreds of self-help books and, I hope, you're very skeptical about advice other people give you. This one is different. I've been a lay minister in my church; served as a director of two national non-profits; was secretary
to the board of trustees for a small university; run my own small business and served in the military. During all this time, I've seen examples of brilliant, atrocious, and even indifferent leadership, and I've looked carefully for what I call the universal constants—the ideas that apply to every individual and situation; educational, corporate, family, etc. In some respects, this book is like an action movie; a non-stop adventure into your life, with new ideas—actually, old ideas, most of which will probably feel familiar. When you reach the end, I can see you saying, "Yeah, that's what I've always thought, I just didn't know how to put it into words. Eldon has laid the foundation for a lifelong self-training, self-discovery journey with one simple premise: You're in control of your life; get in the groove with the stuff that always works and life will be better. No one can guarantee great wealth, a worry-free life or that your wildest fantasies will come true. But, after three decades of serious examination, I can guarantee you'll find value in Eldon's writing, and, who knows, you might even find some advice that leads you to achieve that wild fantasy!
Phoenix Roberts • Professional writer, Editor and Entrepreneur
to the board of trustees for a small university; run my own small business and served in the military. During all this time, I've seen examples of brilliant, atrocious, and even indifferent leadership, and I've looked carefully for what I call the universal constants—the ideas that apply to every individual and situation; educational, corporate, family, etc. In some respects, this book is like an action movie; a non-stop adventure into your life, with new ideas—actually, old ideas, most of which will probably feel familiar. When you reach the end, I can see you saying, "Yeah, that's what I've always thought, I just didn't know how to put it into words. Eldon has laid the foundation for a lifelong self-training, self-discovery journey with one simple premise: You're in control of your life; get in the groove with the stuff that always works and life will be better. No one can guarantee great wealth, a worry-free life or that your wildest fantasies will come true. But, after three decades of serious examination, I can guarantee you'll find value in Eldon's writing, and, who knows, you might even find some advice that leads you to achieve that wild fantasy!
Phoenix Roberts • Professional writer, Editor and Entrepreneur

As a young entrepreneur and activist in my church, there is no book other than the holy scripture that has shed as much light as this book has into my life. The principles that I learned have helped shape my outlook on many challenges and helped me realize that I can achieve any dream I have, as long as I follow these simple life principles. Thank you, Eldon Grant, for your knowledge and wisdom!
Dawson Wargin • Entrepreneur
Dawson Wargin • Entrepreneur

SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE empowers the reader to apply common sense (not commonly used) to everyday issues, thoughts, perceptions, goals, aspirations, and problems that hold the masses back from realizing full potential in personal development and interpersonal interactions and relations. The ancient principles that Mr. Eldon Grant expounds upon have been applied consistently and methodically by many of the greats who have transformed typical lives into lives of astounding success. This book identifies the secrets that have been omitted from too much of the traditional motivational self-help library that is popular on the bookshelves today. Study it, apply it, then watch yourself grow wings of inspiration that will let you soar higher than you ever thought possible. Others will notice that there is something different about you even if they can't identify what it is. You will learn how to apply laws that bring you your needs and desires. Rise up to your potential - carefully and deliberately study this book. This book belongs in your back pocket, not on the shelf.
Del Whetstone
Del Whetstone

Okay, I admit it. I'm a bit of a skeptic. Solve every problem in my life? Really??!! But this book in the Granted Wisdom series made me believe it is possible. And, it convinced me that I can find joy and be fulfilled by the process as I better learn about and apply the principles discussed in these 281 pages filled with innumerable nuggets of wisdom. Eldon redefines success and happiness in this insightful book, which is both intellectually and spiritually enlightening. His candor, humor, and passion make this must-read. So now, excuse me while I go catch my dreams!
Debra Kimball
Debra Kimball
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Vision Development System
"The most powerful, comprehensive, life enhancing system to engage your maximum potential, achieve your ultimate destiny, and live your most fulfilling life."

7 Stages to Attain Wisdom
Eldon's world famous 7 Stage design for attaining wisdom in the most relevant areas of your life.

Fix Every Toxic Relationship in 2 Weeks or Less
If you have toxic relationships in your life, then this free guide is for you!
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Nashville, TN 12345
(321) 555-1212
Granted Wisdom International
1234 Main Street
Nashville, TN 12345
(321) 555-1212