Products from Granted Wisdom International

FLAGSHIP PRODUCT: 30 Day Problem Detox
Are you, or someone you care about, struggling with a problem? Do you experience stress at work, in your family, at church, with an organization or your community, etc.? Do you face challenges that you don’t know how to deal with? Are you working for the weekend, instead of designing and living the life of your dreams?
How would you like to achieve such a deep peace of mind and calm and fulfillment in your life, to a point where you wake up every morning, excited to get out of bed and accomplish your most exciting and important priorities today—and do them with complete confidence and self-assurance that life has ZERO capacity to throw anything in your path that you can’t and won’t figure out, become stronger than ever, and become an admired leader, wherever you go?
This 30 DAY DETOX System is an introduction to the most powerful transformational and life changing program that exists today… that, if you follow, will do just that for your life… Guaranteed.

Are you currently experiencing the rewards you anticipated and hoped for when you got married, had your first child and/or started your business—or even started your current job? Regardless of where you are currently, would you like to make significant, even miraculous improvements in your marriage, your relationships with your children and/or in your business and financial life? Would you like to look back to today from any given point in the future and pinpoint, exactly how each of these areas have, and will continue to dramatically improve in your life?
Then THE PROBLEM SOVERS TOOLKIT is exactly what will show you how to make that happen… in real time. Guaranteed!

You’ve likely heard something like… “If things are great in your family, things are great everywhere else in your life. If there are unresolved, stressful problems at home, there are unresolved, stressful problems everywhere else in your life.” Nothing is truer. If you’d like your family relationships to reach new and ever improving heights… this is the program will show you how to make that a reality in your life.
FREE RESOURCES - Get Immediate Help from Eldon Grant with these Free Resources:

You’ve likely heard several people talk about how important it is to have a mission or purpose or vision statement, to have pictures and reminders in places that you see them every day. You may have heard of things like “The Secret” and a myriad other books and programs about The Law of Attraction. Whereas several of them have pieces of truth, obviously, some better than others, The real secret, is still a secret, that only a tiny fraction of a fraction (even those who teach it) have grasped for themselves, and thus can pass on to you.
This VISION DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM is the most simple to follow, logical, yet most comprehensive and powerful system available, anywhere. You may remember Albert Einstein saying that “if you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it.”
It doesn’t matter whether you are one of the most accomplished people on earth, and/or want to introduce this to your 6-year old. This program is simple enough and powerful enough to transform your life for the better… consistently into the future. Guaranteed.

Are you, or is someone you know, experiencing that… all too familiar dread of watching your child drift away from you, and you seem to be powerless to stop it? While (especially) teenagers have developed a mind of there own, You CAN assure that they know that you’ll always love them and recognize you as an ally, rather than an opponent.
You may know the old proverb: “Raise up a child in the way they should go and when he is old, he shall not depart from it.” This program will show you how to do that.

In this age of hyper-technological advancement and increased knowledge, we’re simultaneously seeing a radical decline in understanding how to solve individual and collective problems.
Finding and living that meaningful, fulfilling and so-called ‘magical life’, that comes exclusively from real wisdom, is almost non-existent today. Why? One of the biggest reasons is that we have so corrupted our language, that we no longer understand the structural integrity of, and true meanings of words.
Perfect example is the common phrase today of “conventional wisdom.” But any person who ever used that term, doesn’t have the foggiest notion about what “wisdom” is. “Conventional Wisdom in an oxymoron. There is not a hint of wisdom in conventionalism and not a trace of conventionalism in wisdom. In fact, the two are polar opposites and anyone using the term is likely highly schooled, with very little to zero actual “education,” (that “education” word is another one that virtually everyone uses regularly, but almost no one understands today… even most teachers and professors).
Once you begin to understand what wisdom actually is, you will have an unmistakable objective to achieve for yourself, and by being in pursuit of and achieving, even the first real insights into wisdom, you will naturally and inadvertently become invaluable to yourself and the other most wise people around you. You will also be empowered to achieve that “magical life” you’ve always dreamed of but seemed ever fleeting.

Nothing in your life is more prominent or more important than the relationships in your life, and yet, nothing seems to be more common that people that seem hard or even impossible to get along with… Unfortunately, at least a few of those people are in our family—or seemingly even worse, at work… every day.
If you have any people like this, anywhere in your life, this short, simple to understand training will show you how to deal with these people. Often, even, Like the noble-minded Emperor Sigismund counseled: “Do I not destroy my enemies by making them my friends.”
I never wanted to write a book., I never wanted to read a book until I was 35 years old. But at 35, after falling into and trying to climb out of the deepest, darkest, problem-ridden time of my life, I became obsessed with studying the wisest people through history… in order to solve my own problems and create, at least some sort of semblance of a reasonable life. I never wanted to be better than others, only to be as good as everyone else… It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, to face the fact that is was nothing more than my own faulty beliefs, that created every one of my own problems what I used to believe, especially in the beginning, but…
Granted Wisdom International
1234 Main Street
Nashville, TN 12345
(321) 555-1212